Thursday, July 16, 2009

Matthew 4: The Temptation of Jesus

I have to admit, I've always been a little intrigued with how Satan works.  Sort of like a coach planning to go against an opposing team.  I think The Screwtape Letters are simply brilliant at illustrating Satan's cunning and should be required reading for any new christian.  It's inevitable that we're going to face Satan and when we do it's going to be difficult.  I've always wondered why Jesus went into the wilderness to deliberately be tempted by the devil.  It just doesn't make any sense to me, as my common tendency is to run.  In the end he may have gone to ensure he was ready to start his ministry, regardless of the reason it paints a pretty clear picture of how Satan works and what our appropriate response should be.

The first thing that Satan tempts is a natural need, food.  Jesus has been in the desert fasting when Satan comes to him and tells him to turn stones to bread.  The next two temptations are also focused on needs, but more primal or universal needs: the need to be loved and the need for power.  Jesus' rebuttal to all Satan's temptations is to point to scripture, but satan being the crafty being that he is tries to use this against Jesus quoting Psalm 91 in his second temptation.  Satan's final temptation crosses a line, he asks Jesus to worship him in return for all the kingdom's of the world.  Satan goes against one of the ten commandments and the foundation of the Jewish faith.  Jesus shows us how to get rid of satan, at least for the time being.  Jesus tells him to leave and he puts him in his place.  

I've heard several different methods for dealing with temptation most of which fall under the banner of getting yourself distracted.  Eventually, that's going to fail.  Do you think Jesus was going to not be hungry just because he was distracted.  Do you fell less of a need to be loved when you're distracted.  Probably not.  We're going to get tired. Running away from something is exhausting.  It seems that Jesus teaches us that when we're tempted we turn to the Word.  We look for answers.  We should also study the bible especially in the areas that we're tempted because the time will come when your're being tempted and your Bible is not around.

Lord, thanks for your Word.  We're a fallen and broken people and because of that we're going to be tempted to move away from you.  Provide me with the wisdom to seek your word when that happens and when I fail Lord, thanks for forgiving me.  In Jesus' name...

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