Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Principal of the Path: Chapter 4

Finally after a long hiatus I've gotten to chapter 4 of the Principal of the Path. I've been reading another book for work, which took priority. This chapter centers around the idea that we often chose the path of least resistance when faced with a decision. "The pie sure would taste good." "I deserve a little treat." We rationalize and excuse small decisions away and the wonder "why didn't things work out?" Stanley breaks down Proverbs 27:12: The prudent see danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it. We all know what a prudent person looks like, they plan. They see things and make changes that will best suit their desired destination. The simple take the path of least resistance. They fail to make the necessary, but hard decisions to get where they would like to go. Stanley has a great example and he says that the prudent see the future as now. That any decision can impact the future they want and they act accordingly seeing that that piece of pie will not help them loose the weight they desire.

I have a friend at work that has lost at least 41lbs. It's been a long road for him. He likes to eat, but more than that he wants to see his grandchildren graduate high school He has a destination and he is staying on the path. I think we all have had moments where we say "I didn't see that coming." I know I have. Let's try and take advice from the Proverb and "take refuge" when we see danger.

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