Saturday, May 2, 2009

My first post-30 run

So the other day I went for my first run since turning 30. It's been a few months since my birthday and it was a few months before that that I took my first run. I used to enjoy running. It was time for me to unwind and somehow as my feet hit the pavement my troubles would disappear. Even if it had been a while between runs I could tighten up my laces and go without any ill affects. I guess 30 is that magic age when stretching becomes pretty essential.

As I sit here two days after my run waiting for my muscles to return to a usable state I ponder how sore I would be had I prepared appropriately for my run. This leads me to wonder what else I need to prepare for. I know the big things like retirement, and my kids' future, but how do I prepare for each day? I probably aught to start the day with prayer to prepare myself spiritually. A healthy breakfast to prepare my body for the days activities. Maybe a smile, so each encounter I have pleasant.

So, here's a :) for you! Remember stretch before and after you run!

Now playing: David Crowder Band - Rain Down
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

  1. I'm not 30 yet, and if I don't stretch before and after, I am hating life!
