Friday, April 24, 2009


I am one of the fortunate few who enjoy their job. I work with friends, have a great boss, and the company sells trade show displays. I work for tries to do as much good as it can in the world. Our daily motto is to be a "blessing to all those we come in contact with, our customers, vendors, each other, and the community" and for the most part I think we do a pretty good job. The business that we're in is supplying trade show displays, so most of our clients have an absolute deadline to meet. I mean imagine the repercussions of having an empty booth because you waited to the last minute! Fortunately, that's never happened with any of our clients!

Here's the deal, I see the consequences of procrastinating every day. I know that the success our clients have is proportional to the time they allow to plan, design, and market their event, but still I procrastinate. I ignore the evidence I see everyday and I shortchange my family, faith, friendships, and myself. I've noticed that the things I procrastinate are the little tasks that need done, but are constantly on the back burner. So I'm going to give doing things when they need done a chance. Hopefully, I'll have some feedback for you down the road.

Now playing: Damien Rice - Unplayed Piano ft. Lisa Hannigan
via FoxyTunes

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Why the title?

Call me crazy, but I love tortillas. Always have and certainly hope I always will. There’s something magical about them. Whatever food goes into them is mystically transformed into a better version of itself. Peanut butter and jelly, meat, rice, yogurt, all are made tastier in the warm embrace of a flour tortilla.

If I could have the liberty to stretch that analogy, you could say Jesus is the tortilla of my life. Whenever I have the awareness to put something in His care it comes out better. My time, finances, work, fatherhood, being a husband...all those things become better when they are wrapped in the care of Jesus.

Jesus I love you; thanks for being my tortilla.

Now playing: Kanye West & Mos Def - Good Night
via FoxyTunes